"You are not different from God."

​"You are not different from God." This profound reminder, often shared by Sathya Sai Baba, encapsulates the essence of his spiritual teachings. Swami emphasized the inherent divinity within every individual, encouraging people to recognize and embrace their inner Godliness. His message transcends religious boundaries, inviting all to realize their true nature and potential. By seeing ourselves as divine beings, we can cultivate a life filled with love, compassion, and selfless service, reflecting the universal truth that we are all part of the same divine consciousness.

From 1983 discourse:

God is neither distant, nor distinct from you. You are God. You are Sath-Chith-Aanandha (Being, Awareness and Bliss Absolute). You are Asthi (being), Bhaathi (awareness), Priyam (bliss). You are all. When do you cognise this Truth? When you shake off the delusions which hide the Truth.

Keep ever in your memory what I am about to tell you: 

1.  "I am God; I am not different from God."
Be conscious of this always. Keep it ever in mind. "I am God; I am God. I am not different from God." Be reminding yourself of this. Pray that you may not fail in this saadhana (spiritual exercise)

2. "I am the Akhanda Para Brahman (Indivisible Supreme Absolute)."
This is the second Truth to be established in the consciousness by unremitting repetition and prayer.

3. "I am Sath-Chith-Aanandha"  (Being, Awareness, Bliss).
Divine Bliss is the goal to be ever kept in view

4. "Grief and anxiety can never affect me."
Develop ' this Faith and convince yourselves of this Truth by repeated assurance and prayer.

5. "I am ever content; fear can never enter me."

Feel thus for ever. Pray that this conviction grows stronger and stronger.

As the physical body is maintained healthy and strong by the five praanas (vital airs), these five prayers will endow you with the "awareness of Brahman," which is the same as "the status of Brahman Itself." Do not demean or condemn yourself as low or small or weak. The body is but a vehicle for the journey through life. Do not mistake it as your self and impose on yourself its ups and downs.

God is always with you, in you, around you. Be always happy.